A Taste of Bizarre

If you're like me, you get bloody bored with the ordinary "norms" of society and need to enjoy some weirdness every now and then. So here's a list to help you out with some of my favorite bizarre/surreal rule bending pieces. You can find a lot of other great stuff by all these artists out there. Also, I'm not including works of art (paintings, drawings, etc) because all the best ones tend to break the rules of their time. You'll probably hate most or all of these (they may grow on you though), but in the least, you'll become more cultured!

Short films

Jan Svankmajer - Meat Love

Jan Svankmajer - Darkness Light Darkness

Also, check out Svankmajer's feature-length stop-motion adaption
of Alice in Wonderland titled: Alice

Jiri Barta - Club of the Discarded

Let's not forget the surrealist classic!

Luis Bunuel - Un Chien Andalou

If you want some feature-length bizarre films, let me know, but you can start off with
basically any Terry Gilliam movie.


Couldn't find good resources on the designers of most of these, so you'll just have to enjoy the outfit for what it is...


I could go on and on with this topic, but here's a little taste.

John Cage - Water Walk

Tom Waits - Starving in the belly of a whale

Eek-A-mouse - Wa-Do-Dem

Meat Puppets - Lake of Fire

Deadbolt - Dad why did my friends explode

Laurie Anderson - O Superman

And the most acquired taste of all:

Diamanda Galas - Skotoseme


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