Oh The Places I've Found Myself

Sometimes it's fun to look back at things you've done, situations you've been in. Plus it's good brainstorming for other tales to write about. And oh the places I've found myself!

I've found myself sitting in the Jamaican Bobsled with the team at the winter Olympics.
I've found myself floating across the Heber valley in a hot air balloon.
I've found myself at a large glacier in Patagonia, Chile while it was calving.
I've found myself eating lunch with top Kia and Hyundai lawyers.
I've found myself translating a book from Korean to English with a top Korean movie producer, for the CEO of Samsung.
I've found myself riding 100 miles over three days on a mountain bike. Twice actually.
I've found myself exploring many of the west's national parks.
I've found myself face to face with many of the world's most iconic works of art.
I've found myself climbing to the top of countless frozen waterfalls.
I've found myself falling at terminal velocity from 10,000ft up (skydiving).
I've found myself at countless concerts by the world's most famous musicians.
I've found myself in a police chase, narrowly escaping.
I've found myself in a bamboo hut in Jamaica with a woman asleep on each arm...
I've found myself at age 12 reading the complete works of William Shakespeare.
I've found myself behind the controls, operating a helicopter.
I've found myself with spray paint and stencils in hand.
I've found myself as an extra in an independent film.
I've found myself running running large sections of river.
I've found myself in two school spelling bees.
I've found myself in the E.R. spraying the doctors with blood gushing from my head.
I've found myself in a few choirs, though I can't sing well at all.
I've found myself stuck in a closet at school with my Chinese teacher.
I've found myself selling works of art and photographs I've created.
I've found myself surrounded by a Mexican SWAT team moments after a cartel fight broke out.
I've found myself with a bad case of frostbite.
I've found myself half buried from an avalanche.
I've found myself being charged at by a grizzly bear.
I've found myself crawling around in tunnels made by N Korea under the DMZ.
I've found myself at the graves of Doc Holliday, Chopin, Oscar Wilde, and Jim Morrison.
I've found myself in the school yearbook in a dress.
I've found myself paragliding above the Salt Lake valley.
I've found myself on a competitive traveling soccer team.
I've found myself giving the heimlich to many of my siblings.
I've found myself playing important characters in school theater productions.
I've found myself spending a lot of time on the road!
I've found myself forgetting other things I've found myself doing.


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