Rules To Live By

Just for fun, here are a few of my life philosophies. The unwritten rules that govern my life. Guess they're written now though...

What's the rush? Slow down; with the exception of concert those as fast as you can or they'll sell out.

Always be on time. On second thought: always be early! You don't have to stress if you're there early. This also includes waking up earlier, giving yourself plenty of time so you won't have to rush. Life is far more peaceful this way. I show up early to nearly every event, meeting, etc. I was born four days late, and have hated being late ever since...

Leave the country. Leave the state. Leave your hometown. As often as you can! I don't know if I've ever actually taken a vacation. My "vacations" are more like micro-burst educations. I travel to learn. To learn about culture, history, art, bizarre foods; learn what's really out there. And boy is it a lot different than how the media tells you it is.

Go with the flow. But only if you're in the right current. If not, abandon ship, and swim towards the more colorful current.

Think before you speak. Especially if it's an important/delicate conversation. Scratch your chin and gaze ponderously off into the distance if you need to buy time.

Never procrastinate. Get it done and out of the way. This has certainly been my homework mantra. I tend to turn in most of my college papers a week in advance. That way if you need more time for revision, you've got it. Again, little to no stress this way.

Arguments are never worth it. Intelligent debates, yes, but those are difficult to find these days. Arguments never seem to change people's opinions, aside from their new opinion of you being a jerk.

Keep things neat and tidy. No one likes a slob! Also, cleaning can be very therapeutic. Give it a try when you're really stressed.

Never take anything too seriously. Ultimately what doesn't kill you, doesn't kill you (trying to avoid platitudes here, by coming up with my own). So don't fret it too much. Actually, most things are hilarious when you look at it in the right light. Annnd there's a segue to my next rule.

If you can't sit back and laugh at your life, you're living it wrong.

Want something done right? Do it yourself. Boy, do I live by this one, but that's not always a good thing. I tend to paint myself into a corner of having/wanting to do everything. Like at work, I now do the tasks that five or so people used to do. I seem to be collecting tasks at this point. But hey, I know they'll get done.

Eat lots of spicy food and garlic. Garlic, garlic, garlic. Love that stuff. Ever since I began eating a lot of garlic, and spicy foods, I nearly never get sick. There are so many dishes you can add both to make them even tastier.

Honk at people who are texting while driving. Gives them a good scare. And hopefully a wakeup call.

Never ever EVER EvEr litter. I don't know how people do it. Honestly, it feels like a cardinal sin to me. Right up there with stealing or murder. I try to pick up as much litter as I can, particularly out in nature.

Norms are for normal people.

Wear whatever you feel like when you feel like it. Wear a three-piece suit to school just cause you feel like it, even if you're a female. But whatever you wear, make it colorful!

Do what you want, and don't be worried about what others will think. Because in many cases, you'll never see them again. And if you do, it'll be hilarious to watch them squirm or get angry at you for living the way you want to.

And the best advice I've ever received: Never take advice from anyone...

There you have it: a breviloquent summation of my life philosophies.


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